Hair Care Tips: Stop Hair Fall in 2 days and Grow Hair Faster

Hey Guys!!

Welcome again!! Today's video is highly requested video for hairfall.

I want to share with you all one of my self tested hair fall home remedy which actually helps me a lot.

* Take mustard oil
* Add fresh aleovera leaves along with skin
* one spoon of fenugreek seeds and one spoon of Flex seeds
* 3 big spoon of Gau mutra


Heat Mustard oil in a pan add aleo vera leaves+ one spoon of fenugreek seed and one spoon of flex seeds let it boil for 3 minutes on sim flame, after 3 minutes switch off the flame and let it rest for half hour once its coll down add 3 big spoon of gau mutra in the oil.

Transfer this oil in an empty container.

Application Process:-

- Apple at least 3 times a week before going to a sleep and next morning wash your hairs with good shampoo and conditioner.

Try to wash your hairs at least 3 times in a week.

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