1. DRINK WATER: Have you ever consumed a half a gallon or more water in a day? In my opinion, this is one of the best hacks for weight loss. There is not a lot of room left for junk food. Try it for 30 days. I’m on day 14 of the water challenge and I’ve lost 3 pounds. – Not to mention I’ve got more energy and feel a ton better!
2. Use a smaller plate: It helps your mind think there is more food and there is less you can put on a plate.
3. Walk a bit further: Take that last parking stall at the mall and walk a bit further.
Take the stairs vs elevator/escalator.
4. Stop drinking soda and junk: Go for water. Flavor it with fruit if you need to
Eat 1-2 cups of veggies before lunch and dinner. You’ll be too full to finish your dinner.
5. Stop the fat talk and become your biggest fan
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